Installing the Linux agent

Installing the Linux agent

Installing the linux agent

  1. Ensure that the machine is connected to the Internet.
  2. As the root user, run the installation file.

    If a proxy server is enabled in your network, when running the file, specify the server host name/IP address and port in the following format: --http-proxy-host=ADDRESS --http-proxy-port=PORT --http-proxy-login=LOGIN --http-proxy-password=PASSWORD.

    If you want to change the default method of registering the machine in the Cyber Protection service, run the installation file with one of the following parameters:

    • --register-with-credentials – to ask for a user name and password during the installation
    • --token=STRING – to use a registration token
    • --skip-registration – to skip the registration
  3. Select the check boxes for the agents that you want to install. The following agents are available:
    • Agent for Linux
    • Agent for Virtuozzo
    • Agent for Oracle

    Agent for Virtuozzo and Agent for Oracle require that Agent for Linux (64-bit) is also installed.

  4. If you kept the default registration method in step 2, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, enter the user name and password for the Cyber Protection service, or wait until the machine will be registered by using the token.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Register the machine. In the opened browser window, sign in to the service console, review the registration details, and then click Confirm registration.
    • Click Show registration info. The setup program shows the registration link and the registration code. You can copy them and perform the registration steps on a different machine. In this case, you will need to enter the registration code in the registration form. The registration code is valid for one hour.

    Alternatively, you can access the registration form by clicking All devices > Add, scrolling down to Registration via code, and then clicking Register.

    Tip  Do not quit the setup program until you confirm the registration. To initiate the registration again, you will have to restart the setup program and repeat the installation procedure.

    As a result, the machine will be assigned to the account that was used to log in to the service console.

  6. If UEFI Secure Boot is enabled on the machine, you are informed that you need to restart the system after the installation. Be sure to remember what password (the one of the root user or "acronis") should be used.

    Note  During the installation, a new key is generated, used to sign the snapapi module, and registered as a Machine Owner Key (MOK). The restart is mandatory in order to enroll this key. Without enrolling the key, the agent will not be operational. If you enable UEFI Secure Boot after the agent installation, repeat the installation including step 6.

  7. After the installation completes, do one of the following:
    • Click Restart, if you were prompted to restart the system in the previous step.

      During the system restart, opt for MOK (Machine Owner Key) management, choose Enroll MOK, and then enroll the key by using the password recommended in the previous step.

    • Otherwise, click Exit.
Troubleshooting information is provided in the file: /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/HOWTO.INSTALL
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